Top Sleuths

The best of the best, tabulated daily.

Last 30 Days

By Percentage
annie245 N/A 64%
R00K +2 55%
bobbydazzler +2 54%
4 Mfarner N/A 52%
5 Jackaby +1 51%
6 Rocky73 +1 48%
7 ant +3 47%
8 sayaa330 +3 45%
9 medeacrecy +3 43%
10 wss3000 +3 41%
By Points
Jackaby +1 368
L_aura-45 -1 281
Mfarner N/A 267
4 GraemeS -1 223
5 Hspecter09 +4 157
6 SofiaAAA -2 151
7 bobbydazzler 149
8 annaS -3 147
9 LeahMM -3 147
10 PriscillaC -2 136

Last 12 Months

By Percentage
GlamorSleuth 67%
Killy 62%
elolvido 62%
4 amalthea21 58%
5 redlychee 57%
6 huevon11 57%
7 Chimera 55%
8 debbiesmails 55%
9 PollyPutTheKettleOn 54%
10 j08 53%
By Points
elolvido 1,282
Dug 1,125
hopkinsmp24 1,040
4 HappyClue 1,039
5 GlamorSleuth 824
6 PollyPutTheKettleOn 777
7 JuliaS 750
8 amalthea21 730
9 DectectiveDuncan 696
10 aintme 647
Notice: Top Sleuth statistics are generated each night upon release of each mystery's solution and point tabulations.