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Suspect List

  • Danny
  • Jeremy
  • Reese
  • RJ


8 Avg. Score
65% Solve Rate
04:35.16 Avg. Time
3 No. of Clues
2009/01/01 Date Published

Whole Stole the New Year’s Kiss

Written by Barney Parmington

While the younger children were evenly split into four boys and four girls, the same was not the case with the older children. For the older children, there were four boys and just a single girl: Aly. For most of the time growing up, Aly was a tomboy who fit in perfectly with the other boys, but this New Year’s was different. While she was still an athlete who enjoyed sports, Aly was turning into an attractive young woman. That fact was most certainly not lost on the four boys. Aly’s dad Tom certainly made note of the attention that his daughter was now receiving from the boys. He was going to do his best to keep an eye on his oldest daughter.