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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Juanita Wade
  • Mary Beth Sloan
  • Noel King
  • Roy Wade
  • Theresa King


4 Avg. Score
46% Solve Rate
05:20.19 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
2010/01/01 Date Published

The New year's Eve Mystery

Written by Tom Fowler

New Year’s Eve, 2009, was a night that Blake Sloan had looked forward to for a long time. Tonight, he and his wife Mary Beth would host a New Year’s mystery party.

Mary Beth had first thought of this back in the summer, but it was Blake that had gotten excited about the idea. He had planned and prepared for this night since before Labor Day. The format was simple. There would be six in attendance at the party and one of them would be “murdered. There would be five clues, one pointing to each of the five “suspects”. Four of the clues would be false. The fifth one would be true and tag the “murderer.”