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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Aunt Mary
  • Dad
  • Mom
  • Uncle Henry
  • Uncle John


2 Avg. Score
27% Solve Rate
05:12.15 Avg. Time
5 No. of Clues
N/A Date Published

The Necklace

Written by Edward Jones (User-Submitted)

It happened at around 9 PM. We were having our supper, a very large one (it was Saturday, and as our family tradation we eat more than usual on Saturdays). Our mother, a very fast eater, had already finished her meal. It had been a hot day, and mother retired to bed early. Suddenly a scream came from her room. We all ran to it and asked, what happened? "The necklaces is gone!", she wailed. "The wedding gift! It`s disappeared!"