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Suspect List

  • Edith
  • Joshua Sellers
  • Muggles
  • Rick


5 Avg. Score
46% Solve Rate
05:33.92 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2008/12/19 Date Published

The Mystery of the Talented Cat

Written by Moe Zilla

"I can so!"

"You can not! No one can train a cat to fetch."

Muggles the cat was smart — and talented. But no one knew it, and his owner, fifteen-year-old Andy, couldn't make anyone believe it. This led to a strange crime, which involved a cat, a teenager, and an unsolved mystery.

That month, four cats in his neighborhood had already disappeared. The owners had searched, but their cats were never found. Meanwhile, in a big old house across town, a strange woman lived with over forty cats.