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Suspect List

  • Alex Rebmevon
  • Amy
  • Lucy
  • Sarah


5 Avg. Score
55% Solve Rate
06:03.47 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2008/11/20 Date Published

The Mystery of the Missing Story

Written by Julie Hockenberry

“It snows and everyone becomes a kid again,” Jack grumbled. While his co-workers were leaving early or acting juvenile, he was trying to piece together his interview notes. He had spoken with the governor’s son, Elliot, about a recent academic scandal in which he was accused of cheating on his exams and helping other students to cheat as well. It would end up being a top story for The Printed Voice and he wasn’t leaving work until he had finished a draft.

Amy, a childish co-worker, peeked her head in the doorway. “Jack, come out and play!” She hopped in to face him, peering over the large stack of notes that filled his work area.

He grabbed two handfuls of paper and held them up. “I’m trying to work. I’ve seen snow before.”

“You’ve seen snow, eh? Well, do you see my hand behind my back?” she giggled.