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Suspect List

  • Barry
  • Casey
  • Mr. Carswell
  • Tony


5 Avg. Score
59% Solve Rate
05:35.80 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/07/27 Date Published

The Mystery of the Leprechaun's Trophy

Written by Moe Zilla

"I ain't no leprechaun!" snarled Randy. "I'm not even Irish!"

He was three feet tall, he was dressed in a green suit, and he was beginning to hate St. Patrick's Day. A crowd of children swarmed around him excitedly. "I caught you!" one little girl screamed. "Now give me a pot of gold!"

"If I had a pot of gold, I wouldn't NEED this job," Randy moaned. He'd been so excited when his phone rang that morning and his friend Casey offered him an acting job. But now he knew the bad news: that the audience was two hundred seven-year-olds in a grade school auditorium!