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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Bruce Whittingley
  • Marie Carloette
  • Mario Marcino


5 Avg. Score
52% Solve Rate
05:37.84 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
N/A Date Published

Murder of The Actor

Written by Mackie Steele (User-Submitted)

It was a rainy evening in the quiet town of Carberry. A young man of 15 named Michael Rembrant was being driven in a car by his mother to a crime scene. The youth was well known for solving all sorts of mysteries, and so he was the first to be asked in a case about a murder. Michael didn't have anything better to do, and so his mom drove him there, for she didn't want him to be caught in the rain. "Just text me when you're done and I will pick you up." his mother said sweetly. Michael smiled and said, "Thanks Mom. I love you."