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  • CSA currency
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4 Avg. Score
58% Solve Rate
06:24.13 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/11/20 Date Published

Mr. Patrick Back in Class

Written by Tom Fowler

Autumn was in the air as Gary Patrick spoke to his advanced history students. It was week three of the fall term and it was time to share an interesting story with them. Several of his students were familiar faces that had been in his basic class last spring. Gary was especially pleased that his two most gifted students from the spring term, Justin Miller and April Park, were with him again. He remembered how much they enjoyed hearing of his great-grandfather Tom Patrick’s experiences in a northern prison during the Civil War. Mr. Patrick also wondered if April would once again be able to solve the mystery he was about to put before her and the others in advanced history. At this moment, he was pleased he had decided to delay retirement for another year.

Looking at April, Mr. Patrick said to his students, “I’m going to tell you a story. It is recent Patrick family history and a true story.” When he said this, he saw Justin’s eyes widen and an intense look cross April’s face, for they remembered well how interesting the story of Mr. Patrick’s great-grandfather was. The students sensed the upcoming drama and the classroom fell silent.