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00:00.00 Your Time

Suspect List

  • Abbott
  • Andy
  • Randy
  • Speedy


6 Avg. Score
61% Solve Rate
04:11.66 Avg. Time
4 No. of Clues
2009/04/10 Date Published

Easter Rhyme

Written by Moe Zilla

It's a fun day -- Easter Sunday.
Mary loved to greet that one day!

In the sunshine, she felt happy
and her bright new shoes looked snappy.

For her church she'd proudly dressed.
But before, she'd made a quest,

peeking on the park beside,
where those Easter eggs would hide --

Eggs and candies, flowers too.
Things to eat and things that grew!

After church (and wooden seats),
in that park she'd hunt for treats!

But a mystery, without warning,
lurked outside on Easter morning.

And a special Easter game.
Find the guilty bunny's name!